Russell Brand is one of those God concoctions that worked out just right. You ever just try your hand at cooking one night and you randomly just make the best tasting meal ever and had no idea how that just happened? That’s like Russell. Throw in a little bit of down-to-earth spice mixed with a dash of rebelliousness and childishness. Add some English manners and grace and 5 tablespoons of “being yourself”. Finish it off with lightning-fast wit and an undying love for women and a myriad of interests and you have the perfect charmer.
Charm is interesting because if one of the qualities is missing, it’s no longer charm. It may look something like it, but it will never have the same effect.
Think of it like when all those kids had special Earth powers that were pretty chill but when all of their powers combined, well… some weird-ass superhero with a green flat-top mullet emerged like a Phoenix with powers that far surpassed any lesser combination of the group.
One thing’s missing? It’s a nice effect. All things are included? The result knocks you on your ass.
I want to switch topic and talk to you about charisma for a second. Charisma isn’t what makes panties wet. The thing about charisma though, is it’s awful fucking intriguing. You see a guy swinging his arms around and jumping around and you think, “Boy that guy really must pull in the ladies with that stuff.” Look at how is arms flail like the incredible flailing arm man.
I’ll bet you’d think that charisma is what makes Russell Brand so attractive to women. It’s 100% not. Let’s look up the definition of charisma in the dictionary:
charisma | kəˈrizmə |
1. a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure (such as a political leader)
Hitler has charisma. But girls don’t wanna fuck Hitler.
“Oh look. It’s the sexy Austrian with the weird mustache. Haillloo”
Charisma isn’t your friend in building chemistry with women. Car salesmen have charisma.
Charisma isn’t bad though. It’s just not an ingredient in attraction and chemistry. So I won’t be detailing how loud and crazy and manic Russell can often get. Robin Williams was charismatic. But you don’t remember Robin for his sexual energy, do ya?
Charm, however, does. Charm can look however you want it to look, as long as it’s following the rules. It can be loud and energetic, or it can be calm and quiet. It can be funny as hell or it can be a relaxed slow burn. As long as it follows the rules. Brand follows those rules.
And there’s one of those rules in particular that I’d really like to dissect right about now.
Russell Brand is a reactionist.
There are few better than he is at this. What does this mean? Russell knows his big charismatic side has nothing to do with his attractiveness. Charisma is about acting. Charm is about reacting. And your ability to clearly perceive and discern every situation is a direct and primary component in how well you can react to it. In other words, the better you are at noticing things, the better you are at reacting to them. And Russell has mastered the ability to see everything clearly as it is. He’s wiped away all facade and prejudice. This is largely in part to the fact that he’s simply no longer swayed by status or sex—usually the two things that muck up every guy’s ability to engage naturally with a woman.
A quick example on how most of us go about interacting within a social situation:
Upon entering, before even getting a true read on it, we make a fast judgment on where we are and how it compares to who we are. This is how we will now base our further judgements of the social situation. So, we’ll look at the people around us through the lens of our initial judgment. If we’ve made the superficial judgment that this environment is cooler than us, we will assume these strangers are cooler than us and that all things they do is part of that. We will then continue to only search for clues to match this judgment. We could do the same with an opposite value judgment. Whatever it is, we have now just created a dynamic in the room between ourselves and the people we’re about to interact with. And because of this, we have already decided how we plan to act.
Compare this to Russell. Russell will walk into a room and it will look as though he is just tearing the place up with his manic behavior. For any other guy, you’d be 100% right. But in this case, you’d be 100% wrong. Russell is so adept at reacting to how people are acting that it seems as though he is putting on a show for everyone—as it looks so seamless. But it’s merely that he’s taking in every little movement on a person’s face, and the rhythm in their words and body language—and perfectly reacting in accordance.
Because he places no facade on the people, he sees them simply as individuals. Humans with souls. Humans that are just like him—with fears, insecurities, joy, sadness, etc. And he treats everything they say and do as though they are normal people who deserve love. And if you look even closer, you’ll notice his conversation is based in common-sense answers that eventually branch into humor.
One of my favorite spots Russell did was on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. He came on and the panelists immediately had a hard-on for giving him the ol’ jostling. This is a morning talk show, but for politicians. So they need to feel like they’re a little bit better than everyone else while still having that annoying chumminess. People like this have to put on a douchey persona as a replacement for a sense of humor. I think the word I’m looking for is condescending. Russell is usually always caring, gracious, and polite wherever he goes. And so while he may be ADHD and silly, he’s always keeping his manners about him. As soon as the cameras started rolling, Russell noticed a bit of this douchiness and decided to be playful with it. But as his confidence and unusualness persisted in this entitled panel of “journalists?”, Russell noticed they started treating him rudely and flippantly. It was at that time Russell took his common sense objectivity about the situation and responded to everything in an appropriate manner.
I know this exact situation. I’m a weird bastard and I tend to strange people out wherever I go. I do enjoy how I am, but I do get a little annoyed when people start taking advantage of it.
Think about it, if you were being condescended and objectified, isn’t that response basically exactly what the audience is thinking? “Is this what you all do for a living?” I can’t stress enough that because Russell sees no facade on this TV set, he treats everyone’s words at face value.
Further, I want you to notice that although Willy, I mean Russell, deals with they douchebagginess exactly as he should, he never, ever, ever loses his playfulness, positivity, love, and connection with them as humans. He treats them always as humans.
If a woman was treating me condescendingly at a bar, I wouldn’t try to come up with a condescending response and play a game of “who is the more douchey person,” (I hate that game) I would treat her the way I’d treat my good friend: “What are you doing? You alright?” Not to be a dick. But to genuinely show my concern albeit in a playful way. Again, I am always cutting through the facade. I don’t care about being validated by winning her game of raillery, I simply am here with another human and I feel just as connected to her in that moment as I would my best friend back home.
In this article he penned in The Guardian, Russell says:
And if you can access this dynamic with people, with women, then you win. To respond commensurately to the exact way a person is expressing themselves to you is what I see as following the unspoken social rules. And I’ve found when you stay true to natural common sense in socializing, you always win.
Okay, I really need to start winding this down. I’m getting too complex too fast and I don’t like to do that. I’d love to keep going but let me end it on this very important piece of advice:
Russell Brand has an undying love for women. And this is a huge, huge factor in charm. If you don’t have this, you might as well quit now.
Any other guy would get skewered for how forthright he is with women on live television. But women enjoy his forthrightness because he openly shows his love for them from the moment he appears. And part of showing love means unabashedly demonstrating his attraction to them. If Russell was just a manipulative misogynist, everyone would feel it. But isn’t funny how after the whole #metoo movement, Russell’s name wasn’t brought up once? Out of all the women he’s been with, not one mentioned that they felt taken advantage of.
To love women means wanting them to feel sexy and attractive. And in doing this, you are giving, not taking from women. And this is what they feel so appreciative for. This is why they take Russell in with open arms, while he is bluntly stating his sexual attraction towards them at every chance he gets.
I’ll end it with this clip of Russell getting asked about his stance on Julian Blanc, the man who’s been accused of sexual assault my many women. Guys, if you follow pickup artistry in any way, take careful heed of what Russell is saying. This is gold. The PUA lifestyle is not about actually having relationships with women. It’s about merely validating yourself to your friends. I was trying to be nice but I’m basically saying PUA is just a dick-wagging contest for college kids. Charmers never need or care to learn PUA. It’s literally the opposite of what they’re looking to achieve. A charmer is in love with women and enjoys building relationships and making them feel loved and beautiful. That’s where he gets his joy from. A pickup artist doesn’t care for women. He simply wants her bone structure to validate his insecure lifestyle so he doesn’t feel like a loser anymore to his cronies. So he does everything in his power to impress her—even so much as sacrificing his own personality just to satiate that desire to prove that someone will kiss actually him. Oyvay. Anyway, to send us off, here, my friends, is a man called Russell Brand.